The following documents duly attested by the concerned authorities are required for employers:
- Demand Letter
- Power of Attorney
- Employment Contract
- Service Agreement
- Guarantee Letter
Demand Letter: Demand letter refers the detail of essential things related to the job categories, salary structure, no. of workers, the job categories, food, accommodation, insurance of the workers, transportation facility and the demand letter has to address the SRK Overseas Nepal (P.) Ltd. Demand letter has to be attested from chamber of Commerce or Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the concern country and has to bear the company seal and authorized sign.
Power of Attorney: Power of Attorney gives the legal conformation to SRK Overseas Nepal (P.) Ltd., Lic no. 1156/073/074 to act on the behalf of the employer company. Power of Attorney has to be attested from the chamber of Commerce or Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the concern country and has to bear the company seal and authorized sign.
Employment Contract: This agreement has to be provided by the employing company to SRK Overseas Nepal (P.) Ltd. stating clearly all the terms and conditions regarding individual worker as per the demand letter. This contract has to bear the company seal and signed by the authorized person.
Service Agreement: This agreement paper should be provided by the employ ng company to the SRK Overseas Nepal (P.) Ltd. has to bear the company seal and authorized signature. This is the mutual agreement between the employing company and the recruiting company of Nepal.
Guarantee Letter: This is the assurance letter from the employing company regarding the employee and their all round care up. Guarantee letter has to be attested from the chamber of Commerce or Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the concern country and has to bear the company seal and authorized sign.